Saturday, July 16, 2011

Love and Hate

I'm 15. I'm not supposed to know about love, right? Well regardless of  that, love causes me some frustration.Not the action of love, but the word. How did something so sacred become so overused? How can we use the same word to express our feelings for God and a stupid TV show or a slice of pizza?? 

I know a lot of high school couples. They will meet a new person and a day later, they will be in "love". The next week they break up. I fear the majority of my generation has no comprehension of true love at all. I am certainly guilty of over-using this word myself, but I'm trying to be more conscious of my use and making some substitutions. For example, now I don't love my pop tarts, I simply like them.

Along with my frustration of the over-use of the word love, the over-use of the word hate, also irks me. God equates hate with murder. This is one word I don't hardly ever use. Why do people feel the need to use it so frequently? Oh well... I can't exactly change what others do.

Enjoy your day :)

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Sorry, I missed this when I was looking over it, but the 3rd sentence from the end should read, "This is one word I hardly ever use."

People who have nothing better to do in life