Let me take a minute to wipe the dust off of my keyboard and settle in.
It's been a long time, too long. A quick update on my life, we were the first Mt. Zion girls golf team to qualify for sectionals and one of my teammates advanced to state. I'm tied for first in my class (186 people). Scholastic bowl started, and ended. We recieved second place in regular season with a 5-1 record. I got second place for most questions answered in the league. At the tournament, we got a first place trophy (our school's first since 2006) going 6-0. I again got second place in questions answered.
Filling in on some of the more major happenings over the past couple of months...
I went to my first homecoming.
Yes, It was hard to face the fact that his hair is way more amazing than mine could ever dream of being.
As far as my spiritual life has gone... well I'm a bit confused about that, too. I'm trying to read the Bible everyday and I'm in this prayer group that we do before school, but I don't feel that I am sacrificing the time that God deserves. It's a struggle.
There's been some other cool thing's that've happened, but I'll save those for next time. My sister just got home from trick-or-treating. I'm going to go and pick out all the good stuff before she eats it all. I also need to google all the answers to my homework.
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